

8 Haziran 2015 Pazartesi

ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2.1 Release Notes

ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2 comes with new exciting features such as flip arrow direction of dimensions, 3GB OS switch and new image plotters(BMP/JPEG), and also some enhancements with frequently used tools to make them much easier to use such as reference manager, license manager, quick selection, in-place edit dimension, PROPOBJLIMIT setting, detailed and useful prompt messages for some commands (chamfer/fillet/open file ) , last but not least SP2 fixed more than 160 bugs/requirements reported by customers. 

1 New features 
1.1 AIDIMFLIPARROW - flip the arrows of the dimensions 
You can flip the arrow direction of linear/aligned/angular/arc length/radius/diameter dimensions. 
Issues under fixing: 
 8888 - after flip the arrows, if you repeat undo/redo commands, you may get extra arrows 
 8889 - cannot flip the arrows which the arrow style is integral, architectural tick or oblique 
 8892 - cannot flip the arrows of jogged linear dimensions 
 8895 - call AIDIMFLIPARROW in the command line, select non-dimension entities, cancel the command, select non-dimension entities again, ZWCAD+ would hang. 
 8898/8911 – if you save the drawing early version of DXF file format such as DXF2004 or DXF2000, the flipped arrow will flip back automatically. 
1.2 3GB OS Switch - allocate more memory to ZWCAD+ on 32 system 
On 32 system, turn on the 3GB switch will allocate more memory to ZWCAD+. If the physical memory is 3GB, turn on the switch, ZWCAD+ can take up 1.8GB to 2.0GB, if the physical memory is above 4GB, ZWCAD+ can take up 2.5GB and more. This makes ZWCAD+ work more fluently, especially with large drawings. 

1.3 Newly added BMP/JPEG plotters 
Now we can plot drawings to BMP/JPEG files with ZWCAD+ embedded image plotter 

1.4 New Commands and System Variables 
 PAINTPROP[8698/T9731] - enable property match between different drawings 
 JWWIMPORT (Japanese version only) - import *.jww files 
 JWWTOOLVERNO (Japanese version only) - check the information of JWWIMPORT 
 MBUTTONORBIT - Control whether to enable the function of performing 3D Orbit by using the shortcut 
 ZWZRXCHECKMSG - Control whether to display the ZRXSDK check message when loading the ZRX file compiled by ZRXSDK 

2 Enhancement 
2.1 Reference Manager 
We make great improvements to reference manager: 
 provide right click menu 
 full path in tree 
 can export the report 
 list the plot style and plot configuration information 

2.2 In-place edit the dimensions 
Double click the dimension, you can in-place edit the dimension directly, no need to select the dimensioned entity 

2.3 License Manager - Enable alternative server for floating license obtainment 
Enable the alternative server, so that when the preferred server was down and could not distribute floating licenses, the license manager would try to obtain floating license from the alternative server automatically. As long as the preferred server is detectedly recovered, the license manager would make it preferred and request floating license from it again automatically. This setting makes the management of network licenses much simpler, and save a lot from the problem that the server is unstable or down. 

2.4 PROPOBJLIMIT -extend the valid range 
This is a system variable that controls how many entities the properties panel could count most. We now extend the range from 0~25000 to 0~32767. 
The default value of PROPOBJLIMIT is 25000, if the number of selected entities is above PROPOBJLIMIT, the properties panel will show "No Selection", otherwise the properties panel will show the exactly number and the general information. 


2.5 Drag Drawing Tab 
You can drag the drawing tab to change the order of opened drawings 

2.6 Useful and detailed prompt messages 
2.6.1 File Format Information 
Prompt the file format information in the command line when you open a file, support DWG/DXF/DWT file format. 

2.6.2 Xref Manager shows the file format of attached file 
If you attach an external file, ZWCAD+ will prompt the file information in the command line, and the Xref Manager will show the file format of attached file. 

2.6.3 Prompt message of default value of CHAMFER & FILLET 
ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1 removed these prompt information, and now they come back! 

2.6.4 Extracting prompt of the installation package 
Provide a friendly extracting prompt when the installation package is extracting 

2.6.5 Quick Select enhancement 
When selecting block by name, the quick select manager will list the blocks name order by value 

3 Fixed bugs 
We fixed more than 150 issues reported by customer, some of them are listed below: 
 3356/T5769/6803/7546 - drag the drawing tab to change the order of open drawings 
 4774/T6539: imageframe: cannot turn off the image frame by system variable IMAGEFRAME 
 6802: chspace - select some entities, then call CHSPACE command, the entities failed to display in the layout 
8454- image- if the drawing contains images with no file name extension, ZWCAD+ cannot display it right, and the image manager will not show the information of these kind of images 
 8402/T9423: Unicode - In Hebrew system, call "Edit Scale List" dialog box by some specific lisp program, the texts display wrong on the dialog box. 
 8502:STLOUT- remove STLOUT from ZWCAD+ STD version 
 8515: when using multiple monitors, the system always display ZWCAD+ on the main monitor when you start up ZWCAD+, even if you drag it to another monitor, next time you start up, it displays on the main monitor. And you cannot turn on the tool bar by "CUSTOMIZE" 
 8519/T9551/8552/T9619: plot with DWF plotter by ZWCAD+ 2015 SP1, the dwf is much larger than that plot by ZWCAD+2014 
 8558/T9626:dimlinear\Unicode-some specific drawing contains dimensions using wplus.shx show as "???" in system with Hebrew as region language, but allright in English region language system 
 8525/T9572: refedit - edit some specific drawing with REFEDIT and save it, try REFEDIT again, then you get error message and fail to edit it. 
 8562/T9642:create tool palette of blocks in design center by right click menu, the created palette is always empty 
 8571:PROPOBJLIMIT -extend the valid range from 0~25000 to 0~32767. 
 8585/8800:imageattach\TFW -use TFW file to locate image when insert it to drawing, but the result is not very accurate 
 8606/T9681: dxf/open- failed to open some specific .dxf file 
 8607/T9194: ruler\mtext- the text editor cannot remember the status of ruler last time you set, and each time you open text editor, the ruler is always on 
 8611/T9682:dxf/save - failed to save specific drawing to DXF2000 file 
 8628:Layiso - default option should be "Lock and fade" 
 8651: prompt more detail information about why the workstation fail to get floating license 
 8698/T9731:PAINTPROP - enable property match between different drawings 
 8712/T9748: setvar/cecolor - failed to set CECOLOR as BYLAYER in polish version 
 8713/T9749: eattedit-failed to edit the attributes in some specific drawings in polish version 
 8775: 3GB OS Switch, allocate more memory to ZWCAD+ on 32 system 
 8780/8781:prompt message of default value of CHAMFER & FILLET 
 8790/T9848/8838/T9928:publish/dwf - publish some specific drawing as dwf, ZWCAD+ will crash or fail to publish 
 8771: osnap\extension - the color of extension line is too close to the default background color in model space 
 8813/T9886: open/security – cannot open drawings with password set in AutoCAD 

Bug fixes in SP2.1 version:· 6924\8972 lock\unlock: ZWCAD+ can not recognize theoptional keyword 
· 8793 save: ZWCAD+ crashed when saving somespecific drawings 
· 8961 recover: failed to recover some specificdrawings 
· 8962linetype/properties: load linetype file, select entities and cancel again andagain in properties panel, 128 times like this , ZWCAD+ would crash 
· 8993 block/mleader: insert mleader in external reference, save it and later editthis external reference, ZWCAD+ would crash 
· 8965 open: open some specific drawings whenthe properties panel open, ZWCAD+ would crash 
· 622/618/619: correct some translation errorsin Japanese version 
· 621 slice: correct translation error inSpanish version 
· 620 About: set the about interface in Englishin Traditional Chinese version 

4 Appendix: Newly support ZRX interface 

AcDbDynBlockReference(AcDbObjectId blockRefId); 
AcDbEvalVariant(double dVal); 
AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::setValue(const AcDbEvalVariant& value); 
AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::value() const; 
AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::propertyName() const; 
AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::getAllowedValues(AcDbEvalVariantArray& values); 
AcDbDynBlockReference::isDynamicBlock() const; 
AcDbDynBlockReference::getBlockProperties(AcDbDynBlockReferencePropertyArray& properties) const; 

Global function: 
acplPublishExecute(AcPl2DSDData dsdDataObj, AcPlPlotConfig* pConfig, bool bShowPlotProgress);

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