Diginoiz High Heel Vocals Vol 2 AiFF WAV-DYNAMiCS
'High Heel Vocals Vol 2' picks up where the previous, hugely successful first pack left off, providing you with 10 warm and melodic vocal Construction Kits packed full of loops and one shots to propel your compositions to new heights.
Performed by the extremely talented singer Marielle, these 150+ vocal sequences are recorded at tempos from 73-89BPM making them ideal for R&B, Modern Pop and Hip Hop.
All in all, 'High Heel Vocals Vol 2' contains over 850MB of multi-format material, including:
? WAV 24-Bit/16-Bit
? AIFF 24-Bit
These samples are compatible with all modern DAW's, whether on Mac or PC.
All loops & samples in this library are licensed to you 'Royalty-Free' so you can use them in your commercial compositions with no extra costs.
Please note: the drum and instrument loops featured in this demo are not included in the pack. 'High Heel Vocals Vol 2' contains only vocal samples. Check out Diginoiz's range of products to find Construction Kits and samples to compliment this awesome vocal pack.
Apple Loops/Aiff

Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part1.rar download for free on file share letitbit.net
Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part2.rar download for free on file share letitbit.net
Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part3.rar download for free on file share letitbit.net
http://letitbit.net/download/97085.92d9a195a45143151f28eed14865/Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part1.rar.html http://letitbit.net/download/15201.135737a3dac2fbd24190df46775f/Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part2.rar.html http://letitbit.net/download/94671.9fd88277ed3f197d9538cfccde44/Diginoiz..High.Heel.Vocals.Vol.2.WAVAIFF.part3.rar.html
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Computer - Internet Technology Design World -----------Bilim ve Teknik -----------internet,oyun,bilgisayar,bilişim,Programlama,Bilim Network,Msn,Yahoo,messenger,Gmail,Hotmail