Calibre is a one stop solution to all your e-book needs. It is free, open source and cross-platform in design and works well on Linux, OS X and Windows. calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution and thus includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to ebook conversion, as well as e-book reader sync features and an integrated e-book viewer.
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Computer - Internet Technology Design World --------------- Bilim ve Toplum - Bilim ve Teknik -- -------------------- internet,oyun,bilgisayar,bilişim,Programlama,Bilim Network,Msn,Yahoo,messenger,Gmail,Hotmail,Cep, İPhone,Android
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Computer - Internet Technology Design World -----------Bilim ve Teknik -----------internet,oyun,bilgisayar,bilişim,Programlama,Bilim Network,Msn,Yahoo,messenger,Gmail,Hotmail