JWallpapers is a lightweight but powerful image gallery component for Joomla!. This component is a great value for anyone looking for a fast, reliable, easy to use and versatile image gallery.
Key features
Easy and intuitive interface in both frontend and backend environments.
Both frontend and backend secure image upload forms available.
Define, create and manage resizes for each picture and each category: A lot of efforts have been deployed in order to provide a reliable and fully customizable resize engine.
Fully customizable thumbnails: change their width and height as well as the resize method (maintain aspect, disregard aspect and crop).
High performance (AJAX driven slimbox) lightbox slideshow feature, capable of displaying slideshows for categories with thousands of pictures.
Two different display modes: Classic (pictures and categories shown as thumbs inside their parents) and JWallpapers (showing pictures of the current node and their children).
Download protection.
Customizable Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URL's (through Joomla native SEF engine).
Customizable metatags (keywords and description) for both pictures and categories to improve your search engine visibility.
AJAX navigation system: A powerful tool that will allow you to walk through your category tree to chose or create a new category.
Integrated AJAX voting system.
Comment system (through JComments/JomComment): JWallpapers uses the powerful JComments/JomComment API in order to provide a slick integrated AJAX comment system.
Community Builder Integration: Links to CB user profiles, up to 2 CB fields can be shown on pictures (if the uploading user is also the author of the image) and a CB Picture tab with all the pictures uploaded by a given user.
Image processing handled by either GD or Imagick.
Resolution filter: You can create a list of the admissible size formats that will act like a filter when pictures are uploaded (filtered images are disregarded).
Editor's picks: tag your favorite pictures and showcase them using the editor's picks module.
ACLs: control access, votes, downloads, uploads and tagging privileges of each Joomla group for each JWallpapers element.
Tag clouds with frontend and backend AJAX tagging interfaces.
Thumbnails and / or downloads watermarking.
Unlike the great majority of image galleries, JWallpapers is able to function with mootools 1.2 (a minimal code change is required).
JWallpapers Demo